Snow Bother

Yesterday when the lake effect snow began to fall the ground was warm.  The snow only stuck on the grass and the trees.  The driveway and the stone walls pretty much melted the snow as it fell.  It was my idea of a perfect storm.  It was incredibly beautiful and we could stay inside where it was warm and watch snow fall on the garden.   A peaceful stillness comes with a blanket of new snow.

This morning heavy wet snow was falling.  Those big clumps of snowflakes add up fast. Throughout the day, the snow danced on the wind sometimes looking like it was going horizontal and not falling at all.

It became obvious the the let-it-melt method was not going to cut it this time.  It took considerable time for us to get together the long underwear, winter hat, snow pants, insulated gloves and waterproof jacket necessary for comfortable snow removal.  It has been a long time since I have seen Ed head outside wearing that many layers of clothing.  He reminded me of the kid in A Christmas Story!  Ed enjoys being out there moving the snow where he wants it to be.  Today he plowed some leaves and mud as well since the driveway is not yet frozen.  He only appears in one picture because by the time I saw him coming and got the camera, he was already headed out of sight.

Ed is back inside where it is warm and cozy.  The shoveling, sweeping and plowing are finished for now.  The snow is letting up, but it has not stopped.  Every now and then the wind whirls the snow past the window completely blocking the view.

I guess it seems like we are back at the beginning, but the snow no longer obscures the ridge in the distance.  The snow is  once again building up on the ramp.  It will be dark soon.  Tomorrow we hope to go out.  It could be a bit of an adventure!

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