No Cover

My 4 am indoor walkabout revealed the cover-less lawn tractor basking in the moonlight.  Yesterday we watched swirling snow devils dance across the landscape.  Temperatures plummeted into the single digits as fierce winds kept the air filled with snow.  The John Deere tractor cover featured a strong elastic cord contained in an edge seam.  This elastic cord was short enough to firmly hold the cover in place.  In fact, the cord caught on every protrusion making the cover's planned removal a bit of a chore.  Sometime during the night the wind got under the cover and carried it away.  We wonder just how far it flew as no trace of it can be seen looking out of our windows.

The good news is that the early snow cover has so far been continuous.  Our plants are presently protected under a layer of white insulation.  We would be happy if this snow was still on the garden in March.

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