Something To Eat

We are accustomed to seeing bird tracks on the snow under sumac trees.  The red berry clusters are a generous cache of winter food.  Both the footprint and the dig in the snow point to a deer also feeding here.  The path that this deer took went directly in front of an arbutus patch.  We have never seen indications of deer feeding on  our arbutus.  Others have written that deer do feed on this plant.

Our treasured four transplants are under a wire cage designed to keep out both rabbits and woodchucks.  Both of those animals have in the past eaten arbutus here.  Today it looks like this cage may have prevented a hungry deer from feeding here.

These more recent transplants also grow under wire.  Their location behind the arbutus wall places them in afternoon winter sunshine despite being under a white pine tree.  Remaining snow is in the shadow of the wall.

This was a glorious day to be outside.  Clear skies and ever strengthening sunshine combined to provide our first January thaw.  If the forecast for the rest of the week holds, we will see a daytime temperature in the 40s.

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