Early March is the time when we look longingly out the window wondering if we can venture out to play in the garden. It was cool this morning but the sun was so bright and the sky so blue that we threw caution to the wind and headed outside. Where should we begin? We wanted to stick together and so we decided to start in the garden down by the road. Since the garden tractors are still equipped for snow, Ed loaded our garden carts and tools into the back of his Red Ranger. We started in front of the stone wall and the vibrations from our activity tickled a big night-crawler to the surface. Too bad the flock of robins that Ed saw yesterday were gone. They missed a feast. I should have taken his picture, but my hands were cold and I decided not to take off my gloves to use the camera. Finding the soil next to the wall still frozen, we moved to the Siberian iris that were in the sun.
All of the Siberian iris were need of a trim. Who know what might be under all of those leaves?
The plant that I was working on had red bee balm growing all around it. I knew it was there before I could see it because when it was disturbed it gave off its amazing scent. I love my fragrant plants!
We had fun and seeing the bed looking neater made us both felt great, but our hands were getting very cold. I thought we might be heading back to the house, but once inside the truck where it was warm we decided to drive to Ed's garden in the back to check on his garlic.
Ed was not at all sure if he should be happy to see his garlic up now. He mulched it with leaves to keep it from coming up too soon. In the end the plants decide when the time is right. I was glad to see it! It was definitely time to head back to the house for lunch. Hot soup and a grilled sandwich seemed like heaven to two chilled gardeners. We were really glad to be inside when the wind started wailing and rain or sleet pelted the windows. The lights blinked three different times, but the power stayed on. Still cold the two of us cuddled together for a little afternoon nap.
When we awoke it was nice out again but cooler. Ed went back out anyway and trimmed this garden bed. I was thrilled to see my Dutch iris coming up. The cage will keep the deer from nipping them in the bud! Gull's Wing Siberian Iris hold the left near corner. Three small plants were mail ordered several years ago. The tiny plant had been given up for dead but it made an appearance last year.
It was good to see this quack grass go from among the crocus. Ed is a master at teasing these nasty invaders out of his garden soil. A cage was put in place over the crocus. This year the deer will not get to eat them before they bloom.
Alien Invader
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