Perhaps A Little Too Much Fun In The Garden

A beautiful day like today means plenty of fun in the garden.  On a less perfect day I might have been discouraged when I got a wasp sting on the palm of my right hand before I even made it out to the garden.  I was not taking no for an answer today!

Ed chose to work on the bed where he wanted to plant the Oregon Giant edible pod peas.  They are a very special garden treat for us!  I chose to weed the daffodil and snow drop bed.  I wanted to work close by poor Ed who felt like he was being punished working so hard to dig the quack grass out of his planting bed.  It thrills me to reclaim a bed from those pernicious weeds.  I'm sure we did not get them all, but many trugs of quack grass, sheep sorrel and other assorted weeds were taken from this bed.

When we were finished, the peas were planted and the bed looked like this!

Cleaning up Mom's iris seemed like a great way to spend some garden time.  Gentle Ed and the Shasta daisy benefited from being in the area.  However, I was beginning to think that perhaps I had overdone my garden fun.  It's interesting.   I can be working along doing great and  then I realize I am getting a little sore, a little stiff and a lot tired.   I hated to stop, but I did.

We got the camera and took some photos of the beauty around the garden.  The trailing arbutus is the star this week, but the trout plant that I got from Sarah is looking good with its pink and blue flowers and beautifully spotted dark green leaves!

Glory of the Snow  looks even better to me without the snow!

What could be better for an Easter picture that these brilliant yellow King Alfred daffodils in front of Ed's stone wall?

The sky grew dark and the wind began to blow.  I had to chase my hat several times.  Ed managed to take this terrific picture of my pink trout lily anyway, but soon giant raindrops began to fall.  It was definitely time to top.  After dinner and a nice warm shower we are both feeling good!  Maybe in the end today in the garden was just right!

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