Lime Frost
Doc Reaver
Ruffled Parchment
Strawberry Fields Forever
Sunday Gloves
Blackberry Candy
Cathrine Woodbury
Free Green
Amish Quilt Patch
Fragrant Pastel Cheers
Shipped In Error
Just a couple of comments concerning these names. We recorded on stones the name that seller claimed was the correct varietal name. There are numerous chances for error both before we received the plants and after they arrived here. If anyone believes that we have misnamed any of these flowers, we would welcome their input. Free green is not really a recognized name but a description of how that plant arrived here It was included in a mail order as a free gift. I cannot believe how a plant that robust, scented, ruffled and nearly white can be given away nameless for free. Overall, it is one of our best plants.
Alien Invader
Becky recently noticed this previously unknown to us plant growing next to our driveway. Her investigation revealed that this vine is as ba...

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