
Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Carrot Family

Indicative characters

Propensities: Annual or perpetual herbs once in a while bushes.

Roots: Tap root, spread, here and there, tuberous because of quality of put away nourishment.

Stem: Herbaceous stem, erect or prostate with swollen hubs.

Leaves: Petiolate, Alternate, basic, exstipulate, reticulate venation. Generally sheathing at the base.

Inflorescence: Cymose, umbel (old name of family Umbelliferae get from umbel), basic or compound. Umbel is encompassed by thin verdant bracts involure and involucel.

Bloom: Ped ici I late, ebracteate, actinomorphic, Regular, finish, bisexual; epigynous with a circle, pentamerous, at times, external petal of minimal blossoms of umbel are expanded. In this manner, the blossoms are unpredictable and zygomorphic.

Calyx: 5 sepals, adnate to ovary, unrivaled, free.

Corolla: 5, free, regularly bifid, unequal velvate or imbricate, unrivaled.

Stamens: 5 Stamens, free, exchanging with petals, anther adaptable, predominant.

Carpel: Bicarpillary, syncarpous, ovary substandard, bilocular with single pendulous ovule in each loeulus, style two, disgrace two, placentation parietal.

Natural products: Cremocarp, oval, furrowed.

Seed: Albuminous seed

Flower equation and Floral Diagram

— ED or t, , Kg or C5, A1. 'Cm.


Financial significance

Nourishment: This family has numerous vegetables like carrot, parsely, parsnip and sowa.

Feed: Several individuals from this family are imperative as search plants for cows and steeds. Some of these plants are carrot, wild parsely, cow parnip, angelicas etcs.

Codiments: Many individuals from this family are utilized as toppings. For instance, Fercula (Hing), Carum (Ajwan), Cuminum (Zira), Foeniculum (Saunf), coriandrum (Dhania) and peucedanum (Sowa). Unstable oils, pitches and so on are created in the bark, leaves, and natural products give the plant their aroma.

Therapeutic: This family has numerous restorative plants. For instance, Ligusticum (Lovage-Ajwain), Ferula (Hing), Foeniculum (Saunf), Anethum (Dill or Sowa) are utilized as a part of many medications for stomach related scatters.. Hing is gotten from resinous gum delivered from the underlying foundations of Ferula asafetida in Afghanistan and Iran. Centella or Hydrocotyle (Brahmin booti) is helpful for mind work.

Toxins: Several individuals from this family give harsh watery juice. It has opiate impacts in creatures. Among these, the most critical is conium (Hemlock). All aspects of this plant particularly new leaves and natural products contain an unpredictable sleek antacid called conine. It is much noxious. Its few drops can execute some little creatures. It follows up on sensory system. In this manner, its little snooze is viable for destructive and apprehensive clutters. A few

English species like Oenanthae, Cicuta and Aethusa are additionally harmful. Their meaty roots are dangerous to a wide range of domesticated animals. These are additionally lethal to human.

Oil: Oil is gotten from coriander (Dhania) and Centella (Brahmi). These are utilized as hair oil.

Fancy plants: Several plants are developed locally as decorative plants like blue lac bloom or didicans (Trachymene), Angeica (Angelica), ocean holly (Eryngium) and bovine parsnip (Heraclaeum).


Conveyance design

This family is generally known as carrot or parsely family. It is an extensive family. It contains around 200 genera and 2900 species. The vast majority of its individuals are slick or fragrant. They are Wia:.ly dispersed. They are mos.. plenteous in the north mild and sub-tropical districts. They are for the most part truant from tropics.

critical Species

Daucus carota, Carrot (Gajar)

Foeniculum vulgaris Fennel-Saul&

Coriandrum sativum, Corriander-Dhania

Apium graveoloens, Celery — Ajmud


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Armen Leonovich Takhtajan or Takhtajian (June 10, 1.910 — November 13, 2009) was a Soviet-Armenian botanist. He was a standout amongst the most critical figures in twentieth century plant development and systematics and biogeography. His interests included morphology of blossoming plants, paleobotany, and the verdure of the Caucasus (Russia). He was conceived in Shushi. Takhtajan worked at the Komarov Botanical Institute in Leningrad. He built up his 1940 grouping plan for blossoming plants. This characterization underscored phylogenetic connections between plants. His framework did not wind up noticeably known to botanists in the West until after 1950. In the late 1950s he started a correspondence and coordinated effort with the conspicuous American botanist Arthur Cronquist. – The plant order plan of Cronquits was vigorously impacted by his coordinated effort with Takhtajan and different botanists at Komarov. Takhtajan was an individual from the Russian Academy of Sciences, and also a remote partner of the U.S. Sciences since 1971. He was additionally the academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, the leader of the Soviet All-Union Botanical Society (1973) and the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (1975). He was an individual from the Finnish Academy of Science and Literature (1971), the German Academy of Naturalists "Leopoldina" (1972) and other logical social orders. He is a creator of deals with the source of blossoming and paleobotanics. He built up an arrangement of higher plants. He chipped away at the "Vegetation of Armenia" (vol. 1-6, 1954-73) and "Fossil blooming plants of the USSR "(v. 1, 1974) books.


I. His framework depends on phylogenetic arrangement of grouping. This framework has significantly affected every current arrangement of characterization.

His arrangement of characterization is roused by Hans Hallier's before speculations.

He distributed preparatory graph of phylogeny of requests of Angiosperms.

One of his fundamental developments was subdivision of the two monocots and dicots into subclasses. These are broadly acknowledged as a noteworthy headway in angiosperm order.

Takhtajan arrangement of classification* is manufactured, incorporated and in light of every single accessible datum. This information incorporates late investigations in embryology, cytology, hereditary qualities, near life structures, photochemistry and sub-atomic information. It is additionally in view of cladistic examination of numerous texa.

The book of Armen Takhtajan, "Decent variety and grouping of blooming plant" incorporates interafamilial order (subfamilies and tribes).

Armen Takhtajan voyaged widely all through the world. He considered floristic piece of various districts. His book, "Floristic districts of the World", contains floristic division of entire of the world. It likewise recorded endemic families and genera. He additionally gave endemic types of every district.

He set forward different cases of parallelism and focalized development from angiospermic families. He utilized atomic information and accessible contemporary record to life form these species into their individual families.

Subside Steven, one of his pundit has tried the speculation of Takhtajan by DNA examination and discovered her characterization consummate.

The Takhtajan framework is like the Cronquist framework. In any case, it has more noteworthy many-sided quality at the larger amounts. He supports littler requests and families. It enables character and developmental connections to be all the more effortlessly got a handle on.

The Takhtajan grouping framework stays compelling. It is utilized, for instance, by the Montreal Botanical Garden. It is perceived all through the world.

Armen Takhtajan has period of over 100 years (June 10, 1910 — November 13, 2009). It is long life expectancy. He spent the majority of life in investigation of plants. He cooperated with numerous celebrated botanists of the world. Along these lines, his arrangement framework extraordinary in chalacter. It is shaped as aftereffect of hard work of over 80 years.

In this framework the blooming plants are partitioned into two classes:

a) Class Magnoliopsida (or Dicotyledons) incorporates 8 subclasses, 126 requests, c. 440 families, right around 10,500 genera, and no under 195,000 species;

b)Class Liliopsida (or Monocotyledons) incorporates 4 subclasses, 31 orders, 120 families, more than 3,000 genera, and around 65,000 species.

. He composed 20 books and more than 300 logical papers, a considerable lot of which were noteworthy, from his 1943 paper Correlations of Ontogenesis and Phylogenesis in Higher Plants, in which he revealed his speculations on macroevolution because of changcs in formative planning, through to his books Floristic Regions of the World and Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants.

Taxa created by Takhtajan

The Takhtajan arrangement of blossoming plant grouping regards blooming plants as a division (phylum), Magnoliophyta,. It has two classes. These two classes are subdivided into subclasses, and then superorders, requests, and families. The two classes are:

a) ,Magnoliopsida (dicots): It has following subclasses:

Subclass Asteridae

Subclass Caryophy I idae

Subclass Dilleniidae

Subclass Hamamel id idae

Subclass Magnoliidae

Subclass Rosidae

b) Liliopsida (monocots): It has following st.'Iclasses:

Subclass Alismatidae

Subclass Arecidae

Subclass Cornmelinidae

Subclass Liliidae

Subclass Zingiberidae

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